
#DigiAgriFood at TWG Agrifood -Thematic session I

#DigiAgriFood at TWG Agrifood -Thematic session I

The first European Digital Innovation Hub in the Hellenic agri-food sector, #DigiAgrifood, is pleased to announce its participation on Tuesday, July 16, in Thematic Session I: “IoT, opportunities for the agri-food sector from a practical perspective,” organized by TWG Agrifood. Technology adoption was one of the two most-voted challenges (for the EDIH in the agri-food […]

Participation in the 4th Business Discovery Day

The first European Digital Innovation Hub in the Hellenic Agri-food sector, #DigiAgriFood, participated on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, in the 4th Business Discovery Day for the Thessaly Region. The Deputy Scientific Officer from the University of Thessaly, Professor Athanasios Korakis, represented the hub and took part in discussions about the forthcoming actions of the coordinators […]

The participation of #DigiAgriFood in the 30th Agrotica HELEXPO exhibition

Confirming the significant role it is called to play in the digital transformation of the agri-food sector in Greece, #DigiAgriFood made a dynamic appearance at the 30th Agrotica HELEXPO event. The largest sectoral exhibition in our country in the agro-economic field took place from Thursday, February 1st, until Sunday, February 4th, 2024, in Thessaloniki, and […]

First Innovation Team Meeting in the Public Sector

The first meeting of the Innovation Team, which was established with the purpose of supporting the General Secretariat of Public Administration in shaping the National Action Plan on Innovation in the Public Sector (NAPIPS), took place on Friday, November 3, 2023, at the facilities of Health Hub EDIH, within JOIST Innovation Park, Larissa. Maria Michalopoulou, […]

#DigiAgriFood participation in the information event of the IDEAS project

On Wednesday, November 1, 2023, an event titled “Empowering Young Entrepreneurs in the Agri-Food Sector through Digital Transformation” took place. The event was organized by Perrotis College of the American Farm School, partner of #DigiAgriFood. The goal of the event was to provide information and share the results of Project IDEAS. Additionally, this event served […]

#DigiAgriFood at the ESYF-AgriBusiness Forum 2023

#DigiAgriFood, the first European Digital Innovation Hub in the agri-food sector in Greece, led by the Democritus University of Thrace, participated in the regional conference ESYF-AgriBusiness Forum 2023 with the theme “Phytoprotection, a catalyst for transforming agri-food systems in the digital & green era,” on November 3-5 at the Poseidon Palace (Leptokarya, Pieria). The conference […]

DigiAgriFood at the Synergy Days 2023

#DigiAgriFood, the first European Digital Innovation Hub in the agri-food sector in Greece, led by the Democritus University of Thrace, attended the Synergy Days 2023 on October 4 & 5, at the Ioannis Vellidis Congress Centre in Thessaloniki. Maria Michalopoulou, Coordinator and Scientific Manager of the project, along with other representatives from the Democritus University […]

#DigiAgriFood at the 87th Thessaloniki International Fair

The Democritus University of Thrace, the lead partner of the first European Digital Innovation Hub in the agri-food sector in Greece, made its presence felt once again at the 87th Thessaloniki International Fair. Academic leaders and representatives of the Democritus University of Thrace were there, informing entities and businesses about the university’s activities and its […]

Building a digital Europe: interview with Maria Michalopoulou

During the inaugural EDIH Network Annual Summit, we had the opportunity to sit down with several EDIH representatives and capture their visions, challenges, and aspirations as members of the network. In this interview, we uncover their insights and explore the potential impact of EDIHs on the European digital landscape. Could you start by introducing yourself […]