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about us

#DigiAgriFood EDIH aims to empower the digital and green transformation of the entire spectrum of the Agri-Food value chain with immediate benefits for citizens, SMEs and public sector.

It specializes in Artificial Intelligence technologies, Advanced Digital Skills, High Performance Computing and Digital Transformation and Interoperability and contributes directly to the missions and objectives of the "Digital Europe 2021-2027" program…
Mission #DigiAgriFood EDIH aims to empower the digital and green transformation of the entire spectrum of the Agri-Food value chain with immediate benefits for citizens, SMEs and the public sector.
Vision #DigiAgriFood EDIH will strengthen and maximize the existing innovation ecosystem of digital maturity and capacity, competitiveness and access to disruptive technologies in Central and Northern Greece via collaborations with other EDIHs across the EU to create effective Corridors.
#DigiAgriFood EDIH aims to empower the digital and green transformation of the entire spectrum of the Agri-Food value chain with immediate benefits for citizens, SMEs and the public sector.
#DigiAgriFood EDIH will strengthen and maximize the existing innovation ecosystem of digital maturity and capacity, competitiveness and access to disruptive technologies in Central and Northern Greece via collaborations with other EDIHs across the EU to create effective Corridors.

The #DigiAgriFood

Networking & Collaboration

#DigiAgriFood EDIH will be a strong and reliable collaborator and active participant in the initial Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) and receive important support through its participation in the Digital Transformation Accelerator (DTA). For this purpose, it will be fully engaged to network with other Hubs-clusters, share best practices and knowledge, bring companies into contact with each other through the Agri-Food value chain, and facilitate synergies with innovators and early adopters.

Advanced Level Services

#DigiAgriFood EDIH is proactively working to be operational from month one and offer a complete set of high caliber services, including any necessary infrastructure and equipment, covering the needs for digital and green transformation of local farmers and their associations, SMEs and public sector organisations.

One-stop services

#DigiAgriFood EDIH will function as an one-stop-shop for stakeholders in the Agri-Food value chain in order to accelerate uptake and deployment of digital and green innovation.

Digital Skills

#DigiAgriFood EDIH will act as a multiplier and widely diffuse the use of digital capacities built up under the different specific objectives of the Digital Europe Programme such as Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Digital Skills and Accelerating the best use of technologies.

Ecosystem extension

#DigiAgriFood EDIH is proactively working to be operational from month one and offer a complete set of high caliber services, including any necessary infrastructure and equipment, covering the needs for digital and green transformation of local farmers and their associations, SMEs and public sector organisations.

European interface

#DigiAgriFood EDIH can act as an interface to enable and facilitate the adoption and implementation of specific sectoral policies and strategies such as adoption of AI in SMEs and public bodies.

Digital and Green transition

#DigiAgriFood EDIH has a vision to digitally transform the Agri-Food sector of Northern and Central Greece, as well as to stimulate a greener transition of the industry.

Growth and convergence

#DigiAgriFood EDIH will operate internally to capture and enhance the transfer of knowledge and capacity building of the consortium. Interregional development and convergence are envisaged between the partners

#DigiAgriFood EDIH will be a strong and reliable collaborator and active participant in the initial Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) and receive important support through its participation in the Digital Transformation Accelerator (DTA). For this purpose, it will be fully engaged to network with other Hubs-clusters, share best practices and knowledge, bring companies into contact with each other through the Agri-Food value chain, and facilitate synergies with innovators and early adopters.

#DigiAgriFood EDIH is proactively working to be operational from month one and offer a complete set of high caliber services, including any necessary infrastructure and equipment, covering the needs for digital and green transformation of local farmers and their associations, SMEs and public sector organisations.

#DigiAgriFood EDIH will function as an one-stop-shop for stakeholders in the Agri-Food value chain in order to accelerate uptake and deployment of digital and green innovation.

#DigiAgriFood EDIH will act as a multiplier and widely diffuse the use of digital capacities built up under the different specific objectives of the Digital Europe Programme such as Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Digital Skills and Accelerating the best use of technologies.

#DigiAgriFood EDIH is proactively working to be operational from month one and offer a complete set of high caliber services, including any necessary infrastructure and equipment, covering the needs for digital and green transformation of local farmers and their associations, SMEs and public sector organisations.

#DigiAgriFood EDIH can act as an interface to enable and facilitate the adoption and implementation of specific sectoral policies and strategies such as adoption of AI in SMEs and public bodies.

#DigiAgriFood EDIH has a vision to digitally transform the Agri-Food sector of Northern and Central Greece, as well as to stimulate a greener transition of the industry.

#DigiAgriFood EDIH will operate internally to capture and enhance the transfer of knowledge and capacity building of the consortium. Interregional development and convergence are envisaged between the partners.

The #DigiAgriFood

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EDIH type
Meet the #DigiAgriFood

The #DigiAgriFood EDIH combines the strength of 6 diverse members, each of which contributes its particular expertise and background, constituting a complementary and comprehensive task force group. The consortium represents an EU local government organisation (Region of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace - REMTH), two Universities (Democritus University of Thrace - DUTH and University of Thessalia - UTH), a research and technology organisation (Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas, Institute for Bio-Economy and Agri Technology IBO-CERTH), a postsecondary and training association (The American Farm School - Perrotis College) and a business organisation which coordinates an innovation and technology cluster (ena development consultants).

Furthermore, EDIH partners have vast experience and background in deploying #DigiAgriFood strategies. Α relatively small partner scheme was chosen so as to ensure the coherence, flexibility and proper execution of the project. All other important actors belonging to the regional ecosystems of the selected geographical area have already been informed about the objectives and actions of the project and will participate in the form of indispensable satellites, operating as multipliers. In this direction, dozens of Letters of Support have already been secured.

perrotis college
Meet the #DigiAgriFood team


Maria Michalopoulou

Project Coordinator


Ioannis Amarantidis

Project Manager


Dionisis Voglitsis

PhD Technical Lead


Katerina Kalfa

Secretariat Project Manager


Dimitris Bardakidis

Quality & Risk Manager

Agriculture not only gives riches to a nation, but the only riches she can call her own.

Get in touch

    Our location
    12 Vasilissis Sofias Str., Xanthi, Greece
    Building 2, 1st floor

    Phone Number


    Disclaimer: Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

    Disclaimer: Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.