
Participation in the 4th Business Discovery Day

The first European Digital Innovation Hub in the Hellenic Agri-food sector, #DigiAgriFood, participated on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, in the 4th Business Discovery Day for the Thessaly Region.

The Deputy Scientific Officer from the University of Thessaly, Professor Athanasios Korakis, represented the hub and took part in discussions about the forthcoming actions of the coordinators and members of the Working Thematic Group.

The event took place at the JOIST Innovation Park in Larissa with the objective to present the priority sector of Agrifood and the related horizontal issues. The role and progress to date of the two European Digital Innovation Hubs of Thessaly were also presented, namely #DigiAgriFood by Mr. Korakis (University of Thessaly, Department of Electrical Engineering) and HealthHub by Ms. Pournari (Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, JOIST Innovation Park).

During the event, the Base Text was presented in detail for which considerable time and effort has been devoted in view of the consultation with the regional governance. A presentation-discussion was held on the horizontal priority areas (digital technologies, sustainability-resilience-sustainability and other horizontal topics) in parallel sessions of a total duration of 2.5 hours, emphasizing and allowing sufficient time for audience feedback on issues related to agri-food and enhancing business competitiveness.