
Meeting for the mapping of the next actions of the #DigiAgriFood Hub, in Xanthi

The #DigiAgriFood Hub partners meeting on the topic of the contribution of the Region of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace as a partner in the actions of the project, as well as the next steps in its implementation was successfully held on Tuesday, October 31, 2023, in Xanthi.

The meeting is part of a series of meetings among the partners of the hub that take place in the context of shaping the list of services of #DigiAgriFood and capturing the relevant details. The purpose of the specific meeting was to map the next actions of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, as well as to activate all the available communication channels of the organization in order to achieve the goals of the #DigiAgriFood project.

During the meeting, there was an extensive discussion about the services of the hub and a reference to the need for communication and publicity through relevant events and the development of one-stop-shops & spots, in order to create a specific hosting space for informing future end-users. The very important contribution of the Region to the interaction with the project’s stakeholder groups was also highlighted.

The Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace was represented in person by Spyros Arseniou, Senior Head of the Regional Policy Planning Department of PAMTH, Christos Partsias and Eleni Kouloura, from the Regional Development Fund of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. Also, Nikos Kolatsos, Senior Head of the Directorate of Agricultural Economy and Yiannis Amaxopoulos, Senior Head of the Planning Department of the Directorate of Agricultural Economy, participated in the discussion remotely.

Representing the Democritus University of Thrace, lead partner of the #DigiAgriFood project, Ioannis Amarantidis, Senior Project Manager #DigiAgriFood, Dionisis Voglitsis, Project Technical Manager #DigiAgriFood (Remotely), Katerina Kalfa, Project Secretariat #DigiAgriFood and Nick Rigogiannis, PhD Candidate (Technology Transfer Engineer) also participated in the meeting.

Lastly, ena Development Consultants company was represented by:
Dimitris Bardakidis, Quality & Risk Manager of #DigiAgriFood & Co-Founder, General Manager and Head of Strategic Development Primary Sector of ena Development Consultants &
Stella Bazdani, Public Sector & European Funding Programs Consultant

#DigiAgriFood warmly thanks all the partner representatives who attended the meeting.