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Green Pass

Green Pass

Green Pass SERVICE DESCRIPTION The EU Member States have adopted two key pieces of EU legislation – the Habitats and Birds Directives – to conserve Europe’s most valuable species and habitats across their entire natural range within the EU. A central element of these Nature Directives is the creation of an EU-wide Natura 2000 Network [...]

Design and development of functional foods

Design and development of functional foods SERVICE DESCRIPTION Design and development of novel foods containing either health-promoting microorganisms or plant-based bioactive compounds that have a well-documented beneficial effect on human or animal health. The service includes microbial gene analysis and in vitro studies for prediction of functional properties, validation of the final product's functionality using [...]

Detection and concentration determination of pesticides and toxins in food products

Detection and concentration determination of pesticides and toxins in food products SERVICE DESCRIPTION Detection and determination of the concentration of pesticides and toxins in foods. SERVICE BENEFIT Both qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis report of plant-based natural products and/or food ingredients, such as plant extracts and/or essential oils.

Chemical composition of plant-based natural products/food ingredients

Chemical composition of plant-based natural products/food ingredients SERVICE DESCRIPTION The service provides the determination of chemical composition of plant-based natural products and food ingredients, such as plant extracts and essential oils. SERVICE BENEFIT Qualitative chemical analysis report of plant-based natural products and/or food ingredients, such as plant extracts and/or essential oils.

«Ask the expert» platform for pest-free pass

«Ask the expert» platform for pest-free pass SERVICE DESCRIPTION The European Commission has proposed new EU rules that would make the Farm to Fork strategy target of halving the use and risk of chemical pesticides by 2030 legally binding. EU executive launched its proposal for a new Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products Regulation, which [...]

Soil and plant analysis to assess land fertility

Soil and plant analysis to assess land fertility SERVICE DESCRIPTION This service evaluates soil and plant characteristics through an extended physicochemical analysis to assess macro- and micro-nutrients composition. This analysis includes the determination of organic carbon and major macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, etc. and trace elements/heavy metals. This analysis aims to [...]

Energy production model through anaerobic digestion of agro-industrial waste

Energy production model through anaerobic digestion of agro-industrial waste SERVICE DESCRIPTION The service evaluates the energy efficiency of various agro-industrial wastes and byproducts during anaerobic digestion through BMP tests. This evaluation consists of an assessment of the biological process of bioconversion of certain substrates to biomethane. This service aims to evaluate biogas production and yield [...]

UAV-based Crop Assessment

UAV-based Crop Assessment SERVICE DESCRIPTION An advanced service designed to transform agricultural practices using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and AI-driven crop assessment. This service deploys a fleet of UAVs equipped with advanced sensors and high-tech cameras that conduct swift and efficient scans of agricultural fields. These UAVs work collectively to cover large areas quickly and [...]

Remote monitoring of animal of livestock traits, health, and welfare

Remote monitoring of animal of livestock traits, health, and welfare SERVICE DESCRIPTION Unleash the potential of modern farming with our Remote Monitoring of Animal Traits, Health, and Welfare service – where Livestock GPS Tracker collars become your eyes and ears on the farm. Remote monitoring of animals using Livestock GPS Tracker collars offers numerous services [...]

UAV field monitoring

UAV field monitoring SERVICE DESCRIPTION Elevate your farming experience with our state-of-the-art UAV Field Monitoring Service – a revolutionary approach that brings your fields to life from above. The service includes the precise depicting of farm status by means of UAV flight over the fields and special imagery achievement. They can have real time information [...]