Hands-on workshops in molecular biology methodologies 2

Hands-on workshops in molecular biology methodologies 2


A variety of workshops (online or with physical presence- theoretical or hands-on, 3-5 days duration) are offered on demand based on the needs. Topics include training in basic molecular biology methodology, in PCR & real time PCR, Amplicon Sequencing, Microbiome sequencing, whole genome sequencing, etc. 


The customer can gain:

  • Skill Development: Workshops focus on specific technical skills relevant to a particular topic/technique; participants can enhance skills, either in laboratory techniques (for hands-on), data analysis, etc.
  • Interactive Learning Environment: We encourage active participation, discussions, and Q&A sessions promoting a deeper understanding and allowing the participants to exchange ideas with instructors and peers.
  • Experiential Knowledge Transfer: Our instructors share practical insights and tips gained through their own experiences. This experiential knowledge transfer adds depth to the learning experience and enhances understanding of the specific topic.
  • Networking Opportunities: Participants have the chance to connect with professionals, and researchers – networking can lead to collaborations and exposure to different perspectives within the community.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Our workshops include practical problem-solving exercises. Participants learn how to troubleshoot issues, address challenges, and adapt methodologies to specific situations.
  • Customized Learning Experience: We can design and implement workshops to cater to specific skill levels and interests.
  • Certification of attendance: our workshops offer certification of attendance and ECTS credits (from the Τraining and lifelong learning center of Democritus University of Thrace) which can be used on resumes or academic profiles.

In addition, the hands-on workshops

  • Hands-on Learning: Workshops provide a practical, hands-on approach to learning. Participants can engage directly with tools, techniques, and equipment, gaining valuable practical experience that complements theoretical knowledge.
  • Practical Application of Theory: Our hands-on workshops bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application as participants can see how theoretical concepts are implemented in real-world scenarios, enhancing their ability to apply knowledge in their work or research.
  • Exposure to Tools and Equipment: Participants gain exposure to specialized equipment and software relevant to their field. This firsthand experience with these resources enhances their proficiency and comfort in using them in their research or work.
Democritus University of Thrace
12 Vasilissis Sofias Str., Xanthi, GR6710 00, Greece +30 25410 79448
Dionisis Voglitsis, Ph.D., M.Sc.
Technical Project Manager