Skills & Training

Training in Agriculture services

Training in Agriculture services

Training in Agriculture services SERVICE DESCRIPTION Through comprehensive on-line training courses (MOOC) and practical experience (workshops, demonstrations) we are dedicated to empowering users and stakeholders with cutting-edge smart Agriculture services. Farmers, agriculturists and executives of agri-food companies have the opportunity to get familiar with all services and find out which of them meet their needs. [...]

Hands-on workshops in molecular biology methodologies 2

Hands-on workshops in molecular biology methodologies 2 SERVICE DESCRIPTION A variety of workshops (online or with physical presence- theoretical or hands-on, 3-5 days duration) are offered on demand based on the needs. Topics include training in basic molecular biology methodology, in PCR & real time PCR, Amplicon Sequencing, Microbiome sequencing, whole genome sequencing, etc.  SERVICE [...]

Hands-on workshops in molecular biology methodologies 1

Hands-on workshops in molecular biology methodologies 1 SERVICE DESCRIPTION A variety of workshops (online or with physical presence- theoretical or hands-on, 3-5 days duration) are offered on demand based on the needs. Topics include training in basic molecular biology mehtodology, in PCR & real time PCR, Amplicon Sequencing, Microbiome sequencing and Analysis, basic chromatography analysis, [...]

Asynchronous training for farmers in new digital technologies and innovative practices

Asynchronous training for farmers in new digital technologies and innovative practices SERVICE DESCRIPTION Immerse yourself in a flexible and personalized learning experience with our Asynchronous Training – a cutting-edge solution for farmers eager to stay ahead in digital technologies and innovative practices. Cultivation and animal husbandry practices are constantly evolving because of technological progress as [...]

Training farmers in new digital technologies and innovative practices

Training farmers in new digital technologies and innovative practices SERVICE DESCRIPTION Embrace the future of agriculture by joining our Training Program, designed to empower farmers with the latest digital technologies and innovative practices. Cultivation and animal husbandry practices are constantly evolving because of technological progress as well as the requirements of European legislation. Therefore, constant [...]

On-line farm book

On-line farm book SERVICE DESCRIPTION Explore the future of farming with our advanced On-line Farm Book Service – a digital hub for farmers looking for instant insights, improved operations, and eco-friendly practices. The service includes the description and record of situation regarding the farm functions online. Farmers can have real time information regarding spraying, fertilization, [...]

Customized farmers training in new digital technologies and innovative practices

Customized farmers training in new digital technologies and innovative practices SERVICE DESCRIPTION Embark on a transformative journey with our Customized Training Program, designed to empower farmers with tailored education in new digital technologies and innovative practices. Cultivation and animal husbandry practices are constantly evolving because of technological progress as well as the requirements of European [...]

Smart Farm Training Center

Smart Farm Training Center SERVICE DESCRIPTION Embark on a transformative learning journey at our Smart Farm Training Center – a cutting-edge haven for farmers, students, and professionals alike. This service includes Hands-On training for farmers, students, professionals, and other interested parties. Specific digital ecosystems are installed comprising thematic fields, combining agronomy and high technology providing [...]

Remote consulting of farmers

Remote consulting of farmers SERVICE DESCRIPTION Embark on a journey of precision farming with our Remote consulting of farmers, where every data point empowers you to make informed decisions and cultivate success. The service includes the precise depicting of needs of the farmers for environmental conditions monitoring via IoT sensors. They can have real-time information [...]

Upskilling, reskilling training services

Upskilling, reskilling training services SERVICE DESCRIPTION Upskilling and Reskilling Training Services in the agrifood sector aim to end-users with new skills, knowledge, and competencies to adapt to the evolving demands and challenges of the industry. These services focus on enhancing existing skills (upskilling) and acquiring new ones (reskilling) to improve productivity, embrace technological advancements, implement [...]
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