
Field Day Training in Rodopi

On June 21, 2024, the services of DAOK and DAOP of the Regional Unit of Rodopi in the Region of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace, a partner of #DigiAgriFood, the first European Digital Innovation Hub in the Hellenic Agri-Food Sector, successfully organized a field day training in a field in the Rodopi region.

During this event, the Hub’s operations and services were presented to the final beneficiaries. This training was a tangible example of using these services by primary sector stakeholders—farmers, as the main topic was the installation of electronic traps for combating the green worm and the presentation of variable-rate fertilization in cotton.

Participants had the opportunity to learn about new technologies applied in agriculture during the training. The presentation included demonstrations of the traps’ functionality, data analysis, and discussions on best application practices.

Additionally, the technology of variable-rate fertilization was presented, which allows for adjusting the amount of fertilizer to the plant’s needs per area, saving resources, and improving crop yield.

At the same time, Ilias Platis, a representative of IBO/EKETA, shared his experience and expertise on smart agriculture issues, providing answers and clearly presenting aspects of this technology. The interest and active participation in discussions and practical exercises were significant. The training concluded with positive comments and optimism for the adoption of new technologies in agricultural production.

The Field Day training was attended by farmers from the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace through the free services offered by the #DigiAgriFood hub in a field that is one of the 12 stations for installing digital insect traps to enhance the existing traditional network. These services aim to utilize a more advanced and reliable information system for farmers in the region to combat crop pests.