
#DigiAgriFood at the Seminar – Training & Field Demonstration “Digital and Sustainable Cotton Farming in Practice: Measuring the Carbon Footprint, Monitoring with Drones, and Training on Soil, Water, and Crop Protection”

The Democritus University of Thrace, as the leading partner of the first European Digital Innovation Hub in Agri-Food in Greece, #DigiAgriFood, the Inter-Balkan Environment Center (i-BEC), and the European project Carbonica EU “Carbon Commitment Initiative for Climate-Resilient Agriculture,” in collaboration with the Thracian Ginning Factories S.A., and supported by Agrotech and K&N Efthimiadis, are organizing an open training seminar – field demonstration on the following topic: “Digital and Sustainable Cotton Farming in Practice: Measuring the Carbon Footprint, Monitoring with Drones, and Training on Soil, Water, and Crop Protection” on Friday, March 28, 2025, from 09:30 AM to 14:00 PM, Komotini.

The event will consist of two parts: 

  • Field Demonstration: Carbon footprint measurements (Carbonica) and drone flight/monitoring (Agrotech). 
  • Three thematic training sessions (Democritus University of Thrace), which will take place in the Regional Council Hall “Georgios Pavlidis,” as well as presentations from the companies Agrotech and K&N Efthimiadis. 


Detailed Program:

Part 1 / Field Demonstration

09:00 AM: Meeting at the Thracian Ginning Factories, departure for the field (for those unable to go directly)

Google Maps Link to the location 

9:30 AM – 11:00 AM: Field Demonstration

Coordinates: Google Maps Link

Area: Neo Sidirohori (easy access from the Western exit of Egnatia for Komotini) 

  • Carbonica, Carbon footprint measurements and field demonstration 
  • Agrotech, drone flights (T50, T25 models)


Part 2 / Training Sessions

Regional Council Hall “Georgios Pavlidis,” Komotini

Google Maps Link to the location 

11:15 AM – 11:45 AM: “Carbon Agriculture: New Business Opportunities in Agriculture,” Carbonica EU Program and Measurements Presentation

11:45 AM – 12:15 PM: “Irrigation Water: Quality, Impacts from Agricultural Activities, Utilization and Modern Methods,” by the Laboratory of Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality, and Wastewater, Department of Civil Engineering, Xanthi.

12:15 PM – 12:45 PM: “Integrated Pest Management: Challenges & Prospects for Digital Transformation in Agriculture,” by the Laboratory of Agricultural Entomology & Zoology, Department of Agricultural Development, Orestiada.

12:45 PM – 13:10 PM: Coffee break

13:10 PM – 13:40 PM: “Low Input Crops. Improving Cotton Varieties with the Help of Symbiotic Soil Fungi,” by the Laboratory of Forest Soil Science, Department of Forestry and Environmental Management, Orestiada.

13:40 PM – 14:00 PM: Agrotech, presentation

14:00 PM – 14:20 PM: K&N Efthimiadis, presentation

14:20 PM – 14:40 PMQuestions – Conclusions 


More Details on the Field Demonstration and the Carbonica Project:

This project lays the foundation for Carbon Sequestration Agriculture as it develops a methodology based on ISO standards for monitoring, reporting, and verifying greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural practices, as well as reducing them using solutions that follow ecosystem functions (nature-based solutions). 

The monitoring system relies on a series of tools, such as climate change stations, field measurement equipment, and analysis in a soil laboratory. This system is tested in pilot fields of carbon farming, which are additionally supported by national resources within the PERSICA and ASH projects under Measure 16 of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food. 

Specifically, a presentation will be made on the portable field toolkit for soil indicator measurements and the soil sampling methodology for further analysis in the soil laboratory. 

About the Carbonica EU Project:

The Carbonica project aims to promote the implementation of carbon sequestration agriculture practices in the enlargement countries of Greece, the Republic of North Macedonia, and Cyprus. To achieve this goal, the Carbonica Excellence Hub will connect and strengthen innovation ecosystems in the three countries through streamlining Research & Innovation among them, in order to support carbon sequestration agriculture. This will be done through new business models for agriculture that take carbon sequestration into account, linking policymakers with civil society while also promoting the reduction of the carbon footprint. 

Carbonica’s Goals: 

  • Strengthen innovation and excellence in carbon agriculture while considering ecosystems and local needs, aiming for collective understanding and broad adoption. 
  • Establish long-term cross-border collaborations and develop strong sustainable links between stakeholders working in carbon agriculture, to facilitate knowledge transfer, foster entrepreneurial skills, and enhance collective capacity. 
  • Provide business opportunities in carbon agriculture by bridging the gap between science and industry, creating hubs for innovative entrepreneurs and investors for broad adoption of results.

More information: 

The event is open to the public, primarily targeting farmers, agricultural cooperatives, agricultural advisors, agronomists, students, etc. 

Outdoor parking available (for a fee) next to the venue: Google Maps Link to parking 

Participation is free of charge.


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