Tag Archives: ena Development Consultants

#DigiAgriFood at the Τraining Seminar: “Artificial Intelligence and Disease Prediction in Cultivation – The Case of Kiwifruit”

#DigiAgriFood at the Τraining Seminar: “Artificial Intelligence and Disease Prediction in Cultivation – The Case of Kiwifruit”

The Democritus University of Thrace, the lead partner of the first European Digital Innovation Hub in the Agri-food sector in Greece, #DigiAgriFood, the Department of Computer Science of Kavala (Machine Learning & Vision Research group) and ena Development Consultants are organizing an in-person training seminar on the topic:   “Artificial Intelligence and Disease Prediction in Cultivation […]

Conclusion of the Second Cycle of Educational Seminars by #DigiAgriFood

The second cycle of free training seminars for farmers and livestock breeders was successfully completed. The seminars were organized by ena Development Consultants company, Partner, Innovation & Communication Mediator of #DigiAgriFood, the first European Digital Innovation Hub in the Hellenic Agri-food sector. The seminars took place on February 19 and March 5, 2025, at #enahub […]