Smart Irrigation Services

Smart Irrigation Services


Step into a new era of farming efficiency with our Smart Irrigation Services – where precision meets simplicity, and your fields thrive effortlessly. The service includes the automation of irrigation of cultivated fields under smart farming environment. The farmer does not worry about the timing of irrigation and the quantity of applied water. The system undertakes the control of irrigations saving time and travelling providing the farmer extra time for bigger added value works. Details of applied irrigations are recorded and data are available for further analysis.

The result?

The result of our Smart Irrigation Services is a transformative enhancement of your farming operations, bringing about numerous tangible benefits for your agricultural endeavors.


The customer can achieve:

  • Lowering operational cost via using the exact water quantity and the avoidance of travelling to the fields.
  • Increasing efficiency by the precise and timely irrigation implementation.
  • Reduction or even elimination of human factor mistakes due to false estimation of water needs.
  • Avoidance of disease infestations due to excessive irrigation.

Why Choose Us?

We’re revolutionizing the way you farm. Our Smart Irrigation Services combine cutting-edge technology, and a commitment to your success in the evolving landscape of agriculture.

Perrotis College
54 Marinou Antipa Str., GR570 01 Thessaloniki +30 2310 492700
Ilias Kalfas
Project Manager