
Completion of participation in the event: “Digital Transformation towards Sustainable Agriculture”

#DigiAgriFood, the first European Digital Innovation Hub in the agri-food sector in Greece, was delighted to participate in the event “Digital Transformation towards Sustainable Agriculture” held on October 27, 2023, at the JOIST venue in Larissa.

The event was graced by the presence of Dionysis Stamenitis, Deputy Minister of Rural Development & Food.

Dimitris Bardakidis, Quality & Risk Manager of #DigiAgriFood, took part in the discussion, informing about the mission, goal, and services offered by the hub.

Furthermore, within the framework of the workshops conducted, interested parties had the opportunity to attend an extensive presentation of the hub’s services that will be available from early 2024. These services aim to facilitate the digital and green transformation of the entire agri-food value chain with immediate benefits for citizens, SMEs, and the public sector in the regions of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Central Macedonia, Western Macedonia, Epirus, and Thessaly.

To achieve this goal, the hub will utilize its expertise in Artificial Intelligence technologies, Advanced Digital Skills, and High-Performance Computing.

The event was organized by the company FarmB in collaboration with the University of Turin through the European Institute of Innovation and Technology – EIT Food.

The goal was to present useful information/tools for understanding how the digital transformation of agricultural supply chains will benefit the agri-food sector in terms of competitiveness, quality, transparency, traceability, and sustainability.

This action was carried out within the framework of the Smart Agriculture Farming (SMAF) program, which involves a series of workshops in various European countries through EIT Food. Their purpose is to provide an overview of the challenges and opportunities associated with the dissemination of data-based technologies for smart farming.

#DigiAgriFood thanks the event organizers for the opportunity for meaningful networking among participants, for the excellent organization, and for the warm hospitality.