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#DigiAgriFood participation in the information event of the IDEAS project

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#DigiAgriFood participation in the information event of the IDEAS project

On Wednesday, November 1, 2023, an event titled “Empowering Young Entrepreneurs in the Agri-Food Sector through Digital Transformation” took place. The event was organized by Perrotis College of the American Farm School, partner of #DigiAgriFood. The goal of the event was to provide information and share the results of Project IDEAS. Additionally, this event served […]

#DigiAgriFood at the ESYF-AgriBusiness Forum 2023

#DigiAgriFood, the first European Digital Innovation Hub in the agri-food sector in Greece, led by the Democritus University of Thrace, participated in the regional conference ESYF-AgriBusiness Forum 2023 with the theme “Phytoprotection, a catalyst for transforming agri-food systems in the digital & green era,” on November 3-5 at the Poseidon Palace (Leptokarya, Pieria). The conference […]

E.U.: Political agreement of high quality food and drink products

The European Commission welcomes the political agreement reached today by the European Parliament and Council to review and strengthen the geographical indications (GIs) system for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products. The new Regulation will increase the uptake of GIs across the Union and will provide a higher level of protection, especially online. This will […]

EU: Future of Farming and Food

The European Union is one of the world’s largest agro-food players. In an ever-changing economic and policy environment, the EU agro-food system has demonstrated its resilience and the ability to keep productivity growing. More needs to be done for the agricultural sector to improve its environmental sustainability performance in line with expectations. Policies for the […]

Information for SMEs

What are European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs)? European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) are one-stop shops set up to support companies in responding to digital challenges and becoming more competitive. While EDIHs have a regional presence, they also benefit from being part of a pan-European network. Owing to their regionality, EDIHs have first-hand knowledge of the […]

Predictive technology – a solution for water scarity?

Antonella Maggioni, Co-Founder and CEO at Agrow Analytics, highlights the global issue of water scarcity and how they designed a solution to optimise farming productivity and help farmers monitor their water use. Synopsis By using predictive technology to address rising water scarcity issues, farmers and agricultural systems can develop more sustainable practices. Listen to the […]

Funding opportunities under Horizon Europe – Calls 2024

The brochure ‘Funding opportunities under Horizon Europe – calls 2024’ highlights funding opportunities for agriculture, forestry and rural areas in Cluster 6 and other parts of the 2024 Horizon Work Programme. Horizon Europe is the largest source of public funding for research and innovation of the European Union. It has a budget of € 95.5 […]