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DigiAgriFood at the Synergy Days 2023

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DigiAgriFood at the Synergy Days 2023

#DigiAgriFood, the first European Digital Innovation Hub in the agri-food sector in Greece, led by the Democritus University of Thrace, attended the Synergy Days 2023 on October 4 & 5, at the Ioannis Vellidis Congress Centre in Thessaloniki. Maria Michalopoulou, Coordinator and Scientific Manager of the project, along with other representatives from the Democritus University […]

#DigiAgriFood at the 87th Thessaloniki International Fair

The Democritus University of Thrace, the lead partner of the first European Digital Innovation Hub in the agri-food sector in Greece, made its presence felt once again at the 87th Thessaloniki International Fair. Academic leaders and representatives of the Democritus University of Thrace were there, informing entities and businesses about the university’s activities and its […]

Building a digital Europe: interview with Maria Michalopoulou

During the inaugural EDIH Network Annual Summit, we had the opportunity to sit down with several EDIH representatives and capture their visions, challenges, and aspirations as members of the network. In this interview, we uncover their insights and explore the potential impact of EDIHs on the European digital landscape. Could you start by introducing yourself […]

#DigiAgriFood at the Beyond 2023 exhibition

At the Beyond Expo in Thessaloniki, from Wednesday, May 24, to Friday, May 26, 2023, #DigiAgriFood, the first European Digital Innovation Hub in the agri-food sector in Greece, was pleased to participate. Held at TIF – HELEXPO, the innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology exhibition Beyond took place for the third consecutive year, attracting a multitude of […]

To #DigiAgriFood στο Thinc Innovation Forum

Στο Thinc Innovation Forum – Ανάπτυξη οικοσυστήματος καινοτομίας στην Περιφέρεια Ανατολικής Μακεδονίας & Θράκης, το οποίο διοργανώθηκε από την πρώτη αμιγώς πανεπιστημιακή θερμοκοιτίδα επιχειρήσεων στην Βόρεια Ελλάδα, Thinc Thrace incubator, του Δημοκρίτειου Πανεπιστημίου Θράκης, είχε την χαρά να συμμετέχει ο Ευρωπαϊκός Κόμβος Ψηφιακής Καινοτομίας (EDIH), #DigiAgriFood την Τρίτη 4 και την Τετάρτη 5 Απριλίου στην Ξάνθη. Το #DigiAgriFood, o πρώτος […]

The completion of the Plenary Meeting of #DigiAgriFood

The Plenary Meeting of the #DigiAgriFood partners was successfully completed on Wednesday, April 5, 2023. #DigiAgriFood represents the first European Digital Innovation Hub in the agrifood sector in Greece. The hub aims to empower the digital and green transformation of the entire agrifood value chain spectrum, with direct benefits for citizens, SMEs, and the public […]

#DigiAgriFood at the Innovent Forum 2023 in Larissa

At the modern multipurpose space Joist Innovation Park in Larissa, the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH), #DigiAgriFood, had the pleasure of being hosted on Friday, February 10, and Saturday, February 11, 2023. The Innovent Forum, the first hybrid Science and Technology Exhibition, took place at Joist Innovation Park, featuring a multitude of exhibitors and visitors […]

Kick-Off Meeting completion of the #DigiAgriFood European Digital Innovation Hub

On the 15th & 16th of December, 2022, the Kick-Off Meeting of #DigiAgriFood, the first European Digital Innovation Hub in the Hellenic agri-food sector, took place in Xanthi. During the Kick-Off Meeting, the representatives of the partners of the scheme had the opportunity: a) to present the scope of action of their organizations and the […]